"Transforming people and knowledge with excellence for organizations and society".

"Being an academic reference in Administration with emphasis on the human".

The Department of Administration is attached to each and every one of the institutional values defined by the University in its Institutional Strategic Plan; with special emphasis on the following:


We guide our actions permanently -through innovation and self-criticism capacity- so the knowledge generation, creation of public goods, institutional management, scientific production and social integration taking place in the university practice, meet the highest standards quality and performance.

Freedom of Thought and Expression

We protect the right of our university community to express and freely develop their ideas and opinions. We are committed to accept, recognize and defend the free development of thought in opportunities for dialogue and multidisciplinary proposition, promoting the values of social inclusion, human rights and against violence inside and outside the campus.

Respect for People

We value and support to all the people working and studying at the University and promote an environment of mutual respect between members of the university community.

Diversity and Pluralism

We respect and recognize the ideological, political, gender and religious diversity. In this way we value different personal and cultural identities as part of a plural and diverse society.


We support relationships that foster cooperation and collaboration within the community, with other public and private institutions to develop existing research and educational opportunities within and outside the University.

Orientation to New Generations

We understand that is up to us to create conditions and opportunities of sustainability that will enable future generations to take over the advancement of knowledge and the integral development as crucial values to foster the long-term general welfare.

Inclusion and Social Responsibility

We assume the historic role that society has given to the University, in relation to attracting the best students regardless of their socioeconomic origin. We will remain an institution that promotes social mobility. Likewise, we take responsibility of all the actions we take and their effects, to search for the general welfare of society as an ultimate goal.

Transparency and Honesty

We take our role as a public institution whose owner is the whole community, striving to maintain the highest standards of transparency and integrity in all our actions, aiming for the promotion of a state system which is closer, more flexible and more open to the people.



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